The Family Readiness Group (FRG) is an officially command-sponsored organization of Family members, volunteers, and Soldiers belonging to a unit, that together provide an avenue of mutual support and assistance, and a network of communications among the Family members, the chain of command, and community resources. FRGs help create a climate of mutual support within the unit and community. Basic FRG goals include supporting the military mission through provision of support, outreach, and information to Family members. FRGs play an integral part in the unit, Family and Soldier's Readiness.
Soldier Family Readiness Group (SFRG) Leader: Mr. Robert Vigrass Soldier Family Readiness Group (SFRG) Treasurer: Mrs. Sarah Slaght Soldier Family Readiness Group (SFRG) Secretary: Vacant Command Family Readiness Representative (CFRR): SPC Nicolas Dipota
2020 FRG Plan:
Please check back in for more scheduled activities.